Tag Archives: featured

Stylized Cobblestone Texture

This is a free seamless tiling Stylized Cobblestone Texture I created using Substance Designer. Below are the texture maps – Ambient Occlusion, Base Color, Height map, Normal map, Roughness map, Metallic map. These are 2k size 2048 x 2048 images.

Feel free to use these how ever you like just point people back here if you want to share. Much appreciated and enjoy!

9 Free Brush Strokes

Here are some Free Brush Stroke Textures in PNG files. I originally created these for a personal project and thought I would share them. They are PNG files so they already cut out and have transparency.

Feel free to use these how ever you like just point people back here if you want to share. Much appreciated and enjoy!

9 Free Brush Stroke PNG Textures








This a full sheet of the textures if you prefer to have a single contact sheet. Enjoy!
